Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Day 6 Moorea

After a long night for the lizard group everyone was able to sleep in until 7am this morning, with the exception of Brittany and Rich who once again braved the slightly cold water and the early morning hours at whitehouse. Here they collected the last four rockskippers needed to complete our sample size. After returning with the rockskippers, the fish group began running trials on their fish where they placed an aquarium in a black box and examined rate of color change with variation in water temperature. Meanwhile, the lizard group worked with their collected skinks massing, weighing, xeroxing, and stretching them on glass and teflon. Later on, both groups moved on with analysis and graphing of their materials. Both groups worked tediously throughout the rest of the morning until lunch. After lunch the group was escorted by three other researchers here at Criobe to go snorkel with the stingrays and black tip reef sharks. The highlight of the day included using fish to entice the friendly rays to playfully interact with us. (some of the rays were as big as a large hula hoop) The large number of sharks that swam around us were exquisite to watch. The sharks didn't bother the group much but many of us stalked them taking picture after picture. Another exciting find included a large moray eel.
After swimming with the sharks and rays we came back in time for a delicious dinner with our afternoon tour guides, which was capped off by a surprise dessert of chocolate cake. This seemed to excite everyone after we had worked up quite an appetite during our long day. Both groups then continued to work on our projects until late into the night (especially the lizard group who jokingly claim that they need to drink coffee since Peter works them 24/7.) The blog may seem rather short tonight, but we are all working to exhaustion, and the excitement of today's excursion has all of us worn out! Stay tuned for tomorrow's happenings!


beverly said...

Hi Five to the magnificant 7 and so kool staff! Perfect pic of your smiling faces in snorkel gear and background scenery-including the houses (?)-I could live in a glass bottem house anyday or even houseboat...never heard of one until your blog. See, I'm learning lots from you. I love this blogging thing! My neighbor ladies called and asked me to "walk" with them (routine here). I told them," thanks, but no thanks,I blogged early this morning . (I think they thought I said the "j" word) Oh well. As soon as I get out of my cosmic pink snowflake jamies, I'll seek them out and set the record straight! Then I'm going to look for a rare thing in my area-a kid about 10 yrs or close to set up my new laptop for me which after 6 weeks is still in the unopened box...Don't laugh. At least I learned to "blog" this week..Glad to see Shawna went a day without mishaps..I bet she was the only girl in her class growing up that wore big hair ribbons made out of bright yellow caution tape!!! And I still wonder how you packed with only 38 pounds of belongings. Especially since I know one of you packs a special suitcase of only her shoe collection when she travels..Now I assume Shawna is studying to be a veternarian-yes/no? But I am curious to know what careers the rest of you are pursuing. Stay safe. Hang ten. Special hugs to TBLGITWWW. Catch up with you tomorrow.

Jamie said...

I am for once glad to hear Shawna had a perfectly normal day. After her close call I think she should lay low! Anyway glad all is well. To answer Beverly's blog yes Shawna is studying to be a vet tech she currently works for a vet here and is great at what she does.

Akron Algae Trooper said...

Where's the algae?????

dee said...

Cousin Jamie has it wrong, Shawna is getting her degree in Veterinarian Medicine and has worked in the field for the past eight years in regular practice and emergency.
I too would like to know what degree the other students are striving for. I have never seen such blue water before and crystal clear. Wish I was there, aside from learning, they look like their having a blast. Keep up the good work guys.

Dan said...

What a good looking group and so far from shore. The colors of everything in your photos are very brilliant and delightful to see….. So much that, I am now trying my first blog entry.
How are you able to stretch lizards and keep rockskippers in various water temps, sounds very tedious with all that water and scenery about and chocolate cake. This is true dedication to the cause.

Jamie said...

Ok so ya I reversed what I meant to say....She is a vet tech studying to be a vet. There Aunt Dee is that better....Hey I was typing too fast and thinking too much about what I wanted to say!